Mentoring is greatly important for personal, career, social, financial, marital and spiritual development. To be a confident woman ready to lead herself and the world around you, you must first discover yourself, your purpose, your values. These are prerequisites to achieving success in life.
Unfortunately, so many people do not realise this and therefore do not see it as something worth investing in. But the surprise, the surprise is that there is no successful world leader who has no mentor.
Having experienced and navigated my life for the best and still growing, I use my passion to impact more and more women (young and old) to become their better selves.
In the past few years, more and more women have come to me to be mentored. Having done this behind the scene for a while helping fellow women to attain success gives me great joy and now I want more and more women to benefit from this passion and knowledge.
Who do I mentor?
Mentoring is a great way to help a person grow from one point in their lives to another point of growth and success.
Entrepreneurs – Start-ups, established and not so sure ones:
Those struggling to build their brand/personal identity, struggling to manage their time and or resources effectively. Whether you are at the stage of developing an idea, growing your idea or working your idea into a profitable, identifiable, viable business. I will work with you to find clarity as well as finding the best place for your idea in line with your vision and personality.
Women with Confidence and Self Esteem Issues.
In my years working with women, I have discovered that one of the major reasons women fail or feel vulnerable is their lack of confidence in who they are, what they look like and their inability to see or know what value they bring. Do you feel let down all the time, do you feel used and dissatisfied in your relationship with people (business or career), do you feel people don’t value or respect you enough? Then there is help on the way.
Others: – Being a successful mother, wife or building a successful home:
Any other aspect of womanhood you need help with. Whether it’s helping you become the wife you wish to be, the woman you wish to be, the mother you wish to be, whatever it is you’re struggling with. Get in touch and we can discuss it to ascertain your next step. If I cannot help you then I will be able to refer you to someone else who can.
Unfortunately, I do not handle traditional, religious or spiritual matters.
What to Expect from being mentored by Faustina Anyanwu.
- Clarity of purpose.
- Gain experiences not shared in a book or taught in school.
- Help you build your Emotional Intelligence.
- Learn new strategies and methods.
- Organisational skill. – Learn to stay organised with your time and other resources.
- Learn to take better control of your career, vision, life.
- Help you learn important life skills to help you build your vision – Such as communication, technical ability, leadership skills, change management.
- Provide important networking contact for you.
- Interpersonal relationship skills.
- Learn self-understanding and value.
- Ability to assess situations objectively and without emotion or sentiment as to make better decisions.
- Encouragement
- Confidentiality and confidence knowing you’re safe having someone to vent to.
Register today and become the woman you’ve always dreamt of.